What’s Holding You Back from Writing Your Book?


Have you put your book dreams on hold? What's stopping you from being a published author? What keeps you from a goal you know you're meant to achieve? 


In 2018, “What’s on the back-burner?” was asked to a group of LA professionals.


As we went around the room, people broke down into tears.


Why? Because many of them had pushed their dreams aside for years.


They buried them, made excuses for not doing them, or they’d forgotten about them until this one question brought it all rushing back.


A successful woman who worked in the entertainment industry stood up, nervous. She confessed she always wanted to write a novel. She poured her heart out to the group, telling us about her writing dream. She’d kept it a secret for so long -- afraid she’d be judged or criticized.


I was so moved that afterwards, I told her I if there was anything I could do to help, let me know. A week later we went for a two-hour lunch and talked about her book and writing goals. Later, she hired me to consult on her novel. In one year, she became the author she always dreamed of.


Three things can hold people back from pursuing their dreams:


  1. Procrastination. This is the land of excuses, where you put off your dreams until tomorrow…or the next day…or until you're in a full-on panic. You feel you're not ready or it's not the “right time.”


  1. Perfectionism. Trying to find just the right thing to say, or to write the perfect book (and then you write nothing at all), or you’re still waiting for your muse to show up before you write your amazing chapter (Tip: You have to show up first).  


  1. People-pleasing. You worry about what others think, or you’re waiting for someone to give you permission (Tip: They won't. They're too focused on their own stuff). 


"I can't tell you the key to success,

but the key to failure is trying to please everyone."

- Ed Sheeran


I feel you, my friend. To be honest, as a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist, and procrastinator, I’m right there with you.


So, on a scale from 1 – 10, how much are these three things holding you back?


If you identify with any one of these, it’s not who you really are…and won't get you to where you want to be. 


In 2019 at the Golden Globes, Glenn Close said: "We have to find personal fulfilment. We have to follow our dreams. We have to say, 'I can do that, and I should be allowed to do that.'”


So, what's really holding you back?


You’re bumping up against your fears.


Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of judgement. Fear it'll take too long, being "found out," or fear that it won't be good enough. 


Oddly, my word in 2020 was fearless. Yikes. That one word took on whole new meaning when the pandemic hit. In March, I was afraid of everything. Until I started writing again.


Even though the world had shut down, my creativity was still open for business. It got me through so much this year because it was something positive I could control.


It’s amazing how much we defend our fears and make excuses for why we can’t go after them. We convince ourselves that it’s ok not to live the life want or do what lights us up, because that it’s just too much work, it’ll take too much time, or we’re not “there” yet.


The truth is, you are already enough. And you already have everything you need to take that next step.


You are already worthy of your dream goals because they're yours. 


Your one-of-a-kind, awesome self is valuable, unique, and so needed. Your experiences, talents, and the way you see the world make you the perfect to write a book that will inspire, educate, or entertain others. 


Which means you already stand in a unique position to impact others in a meaningful way. The world needs your words now more than ever.


Never let limiting beliefs or other’s opinions get in the way of achieving your goals. When you set meaningful goals and take small steps toward them every day, you will achieve them.  


Do you want to stay stuck in fear -- or clear a path for your dreams in the New Year? 


You're already who you need to be to reach your goals. Tell those fears to step aside, because you’ve got work to do! Do the work you’re already worthy of doing. I believe in you. 



P.S. Do you want to jump-start your book right now? Join this FREE Start the Right Book masterclass series. This awesome, limited-time series will help you nail your bestseller idea, find your book hook, and set your book up for success before you write it.


There’s no better time to get your book dream off the “someday” list and move it to your “priority” list. This FREE masterclass series will get you started TODAY!

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"What Will Most Help You Write Your Book" Quiz

Discover what's keeping you stuck and move towards bestseller success!

You have a book idea that has the potential to inspire, educate, or entertain millions of readers. So, what's holding you back? If you've thought about writing a book for a long time, but just can't get started, I've got you. Let's find out what will help YOU right now.




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